
Back to School !!!

                                        Appu started first grade a week ago. Back to school is always exciting for us. The kids look forward to seeing their friends and I look forward to the shopping and to sending them off to school after two grueling months of herding the rowdy pack! As exciting as it may be, this time of year does come with some unwanted surprises no matter how hard you try to avoid them. After the first couple of days of perfectly planned and orchestrated bus logistics I thought we were settling in to a comfortable routine. But then, one day at the end of the first week, Appu forgot to get down at his home stop. Big sister was unaware that her brother didn't step out of the bus until it was too late. So she came back home a little panicked and told me that it looks like Appu didn't get down from the bus. "Not again!" I thought to myself. Devu went around our neighborhood to check if he was hanging out with his friend Aiden. But when she retu

Mixed grain rawa idli

This was an experimental rawa dosa recipe that accidentally turned in to rawa idli. We usually buy Jowar, bajra & corn rawas to make upmas. These rawas are healthier alternatives to the more common sooji rawa. But when I noticed that there was a surplus that wasn't moving off the kitchen shelves as fast I would've liked, I decided to experiment with them. Previously I have had great success in this recipe with Ragi, Jowar, Quinoa & foxtail millet for dosas and I figured it might work just as well with their rawas too and may be add a great new breakfast recipe to my collection. But when I actually made the batter, it turned out to be better suited to make Idli. Just as well, idli or dosa, it didnt make much difference to us. My family likes both and as long as they are happy who's complaining?!. And so I went ahead and made it. The idlis were surprisingly soft. A tad bit grainier than the normal ones made with idli rawa, but tasted better, more flavorful and cert

Adventures of the taste buds

From eating only chicken, eggs and very select types of seafood I have expanded the repertoire of foods that I ventured to try in the recent years, to the following. Duck, Quail, Lamb, Goat, Bacon, various types of Fish, Octopus, Clams, Mussels, Squid, Scallops, Crab, Lobster, Craw-fish, Turkey, Beef(cow, buffalo), Rabbit, Deer, Chicken feet, Brain(mutton, fish), Eye(fish), Roe(fish eggs) from several varieties of fish/seafood including that of squid, Heart(goat), bone marrow(goat), Liver(chicken, goat), Lengue(cow's tongue) - its a popular Mexican delicacy, Sushi, Snail, Emu, Frogs and my latest - Goat Testicles! No kidding! Even as I write it I cant believe myself! Seriously, goat balls! And to answer the imperative question, although I may never have them again, they tasted good. More like a denser, smoother variant of roe(fish eggs) It seems to me that this is quite commendable. I think I can be proud of myself for trying these new and some times even bizarre foods. One need

The Ensuing Saga of an Experience Letter!!

While sifting through my documents, I realized that I was missing an experience letter from my first employer, lets call them ABC Ltd. I decided to contact them to try to get an experience letter. I knew it wouldn't be easy because it has been nearly a decade since I left the job and the organization has undergone some changes since then. Nevertheless I had to give it a try. I messaged my then boss(Contact 1) at ABC Ltd in Facebook asking him if he can help me. My ex-boss didn't work there anymore but gave me the contact number of one of his friends/peers(Contact 2) who did. When Contact 2 didn't pick up my calls for three to four days, I decided to present my case through an SMS hoping that if I tell him the reason for my call and how I got his contact number, may be he would answer my call. So after sending the SMS, I called again. And sure enough he picked the call this time. I asked Contact 2 if he could give me the contact number of the HR personnel to get an experie

Dosa Digressions That are Here to Stay

If you are an Indian, chances are that you love Dosa! Its a dish that is a staple of South Indian cuisine. But irrespective of whether one hails from the Southern part or elsewhere in India, I have never heard anyone say that they don't like the Dosa. To a lot of people, Dosa implies breakfast. These ardent Dosa fans have probably eaten only a Dosa breakfast since they can remember and probably will continue to do so till they die! Many, like me break their fast over Dosa two to three times a week while others make it their dinner. Some like it as a snack to be had along with a hot beverage like tea or coffee, to yet others its an anytime food. For the mall trotting crowd, Dosa is junk-food, while its a quick selling favorite fast-food at the thousands of road side eateries. To me Dosa is comfort food. I love to have it in a wide range of variations. The most popular version of the dosa recipe calls for white rice and urad. It could be had plain or with stuffing. Restaurants offe

It Was One of Those Days ........

Devu was to perform for a talent show at her school. From among the options like Music, instrumental, fancy dress, dance etc, she picked dance. That meant more work for me. So when attempts to convince her to choose music over dance failed, I set about my task. There were two weeks to go before event. My action points were to pick a song, get it choreographed, teach Devu, buy costume and find a make-up artist. After the song was chosen, I requested our Bharathanatyam sir, to help us. He agreed and choreographed it in fifteen minutes, after all the song was only 2:20 mins long. But by now we had only a week to go which means I have six days to teach Devu the routine. It was a song that she had performed for on an earlier occasion, but this time half the steps were different. We started rehersals and Devu was practicing three to four times on a daily basis and I was pleased with her progress and performance. We took out time on a week day and bought the costume, got it altered. We also

Adieu to the King

Summer is on its way out. As the weather cools down, children get ready for a new school year, and monsoons. Beside the fact that I am no fan of diseases and dirty puddles I hate to see summer go for one very deliciously sweet reason - MANGOES! Himayat We went overboard with mangoes this summer. We more than made up for the depravity of the last six years. From super markets to cart vendors, from farmers markets to mango orchards from vegetable shops to even more vegetable shops, why, even online! We bought mangoes from everywhere! If they were available, we would still be getting them, but alas, summer lasts only for three short months. But nevertheless I am grateful to have had my heart's fill. Few fruits have such variety like the mango. They come in a horde of sizes & shapes, smooth & wrinkled, in various hues of green, yellow, orange & red. Long, thin, pointy, round, stout & tiny; the shapes are very many.  But they all have one thing in common - t