
Showing posts from January, 2010

Writer's Block

Its probably the biggest writer's block ever. What kind of a blogger visits her own blog once in 2 years? One post in two years, is not a blog. Even though I have been meaning to get back to writing for a while now, I haven't got around to actually doing it. Been procrastinating it for some reason I am not sure I should even bother to explore. Nevertheless I guess that having a one year old, who, recently has discovered the new-found freedom of cruising around the house on her own, doesn't leave time for much else. Leave alone sparing a quite moment for my musings/writings, its a wonder I ever find time to do any thing at all other than to follow my indefatigable little cruiser around in her explorations and express joy in her new findings/achievements or prevent potential misadventures. All mothers who have found themselves in this situation shall empathise with me. A one year old is quite a handful. Its reassuring to know that I have company though. So I guess I can be ex...