
Showing posts from January, 2012

God vs Religion

Getting closer to God should make people more open-minded. But in some cases the exact opposite happens when people blindly follow religious teachings. Infact in most cases religious teachings are not to blame, its the way Man interprets them. Knowing God opens one's mind to the universe. It is by letting God in to our minds that we learn to be compassionate towards fellow beings, tolerance for one another, patience, understanding and love. The relationship between Man and God is not complicated. Man complicates it by introducing religion in to the equation. Religion is man-made, and so is liable to imperfections that any man-made thing contains. God's or Nature's creations are all perfect. They are perfect in itself and in their interactions with the universe. Man is constantly intermixing the two concepts of religion & God. In the name of getting closer to God, Man promotes man-made religious ideologies and thoughts that some times have nothing to do with unde...