The Ensuing Saga of an Experience Letter!!
While sifting through my documents, I realized that I was missing an experience letter from my first employer, lets call them ABC Ltd. I decided to contact them to try to get an experience letter. I knew it wouldn't be easy because it has been nearly a decade since I left the job and the organization has undergone some changes since then. Nevertheless I had to give it a try. I messaged my then boss(Contact 1) at ABC Ltd in Facebook asking him if he can help me. My ex-boss didn't work there anymore but gave me the contact number of one of his friends/peers(Contact 2) who did. When Contact 2 didn't pick up my calls for three to four days, I decided to present my case through an SMS hoping that if I tell him the reason for my call and how I got his contact number, may be he would answer my call. So after sending the SMS, I called again. And sure enough he picked the call this time. I asked Cont...