Should we really complain?

"Out of millions only one emerges as a winner. And that winner is each and every one of us." - Anonymous.
When a sperm outlasts millions of others to race forward and fertilize the egg, it is the chosen one to create another life. Thus each and every one of us is a winner, chosen from among millions. If we realise this, we can better accept the truth that we are meant to be exactly the way we are created and that our efforts to change who we are is to say the least, laughable.
There are a number of moments in everyday life when we complain about trivial things. We wish we had better looking hair, thicker perhaps, or straighter or more manageable. But then we say - "I dont like this nose either, its so long it could make Pinocchio's look like a small stubble in comparison. That combined with the unflattering jaw-line makes me look like a bad cross of Supandi with Jay Leno. No wait, its these beady eyes that are the real problem. You can hardly see them if I smile, which is why I have carefully chosen my facial expression to be a scoff at all times. At least that makes me look like I am important, busy, not-to-be-messed-with kind of person".

And it doesnt stop there. We grumble about the traffic every time we drive, rising fuel prices are always an easy target for every one to vent their furstrations on. Or may be I should get a new car, this one eats up a lot of fuel(read - the latest more expensive one has caught my fancy, even though its purely an extravaganza). But I cant afford it, cos my work doesnt pay me enough to indulge in a car that I dont need. But that work does take up all of my time - not just time but my life. I never seem to have time for any thing. For a short break, for a relaxed dinner with family, for spending time with the kids and spouse, for taking a vacation and so on and so forth the complaints never cease to come.

When will we realise that there is a whole another world out there that we so shallow-selfishly self-invloved in trivialities fail to acknowledge the existance of.

A girl in Maine, was born with a lower body that makes her look like a mermaid. Interesting as that may sound, its not a Disney Fairy tale. Shiloh has no vagina, anus or urethra. Both her legs are fused togather in to one. Doctors believed that she will have a short life span of only a few days, but she has had countless surgeries and baffled doctors by living to see her 10th birthday.
Shiloh couldnt have a normal life like other children of her age. Getting out of bed everyday is a chore, she has spent all of the 10 years of her life in a wheel chair. Bur she has no complaints. Infact she was a little miss sunshine to every one she meets.

34 yr old Mandy from UK is still baffling doctors all over the world. Her medical condition not only doesnt have a precedent, it doesnt even have a name! Both her legs are constantly growing. One foot accounts for 40% of her body weight. Her total weight is 300 is pounds. She wears specially made $3000 shoes. The lenghts of her huge feet are different, further aggravating her agony.
Do you think that Nature has been unfair to women by way of giving them a visitor once a month - every month? There are a handful of women around the world that have a wierd condition - two vaginas. That means two cycles lasting almost 3 weeks. There is enough woes a woman has to deal with every month with just one cycle, imagine two! Its anything but fair!

Imagine looking in the mirror to see a grotesque reflection of yourself staring back at you. Seems like a bad nighmare? Its a reality for a young woman in America who was born without a face. Every living being born in this cosmos has a face. Even the inanimate objects that we humans create have a face. But imagine the plight of a 23 year old woman living in these times to go through life without a face. The defect is genetic, affecting very few people around the world, and she is one of them. Incredilbly special isn't she? What kind of a social life style do you think she might be having? This rare medical condition has affected her life so much so that she has decided not to have any childern, for fear of passing it on to them. But she is hopeful that one day she will find love in the arms of an understanding and loving man.

People show incredible amounts of resilience, strenghth and courage in the face of debilitating deformalities. Where as us, the fortunate ones, who have every part of our lives intact, are arrogant enough to bicker about the trivial things. We would do ourselves some favour if we take some time off our busy "imperfect" life to stop and appreciate the life we have been gifted with. We are so used to taking everything for granted that our mould-hills seem like mountains with in our inflated self-important, self-involved, selfish egos. This gift of life is precious, so lets soak up every drop, cherish, savour and most importantly be grateful for it. We owe it to them, our less fortunate brethren the orphaned, the sick, the disabled, the abandoned and the ones who never even got a chance at life to be aware of the pain in their world, remove our arrogance, discover compassion and realise the true value our lives and be reverent to it.


That is really true. We do have to enjoy and should know to appreciate the life we have got now. But most of us dont do it. And the part that is most regretting is we get some bright thoughts and vision in reading such articels and then we go back to square one at the end of the day. :(

We finaly forget to live our life in running behind things and not realising the awesome days we have now.

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