Our first speeding ticket!!!

We were returning from a visit to the doctor's office, through one of the inner roads in the city. The speed limit was 30 mph and it was an up-hill road too. Incidentally we were pulled over by a cop and according to him we we driving at a speed of 44 mph... Naturally both of us were shocked cos there is no way we were driving uphill on an inner road at 44 mph. My husband was driving and he is a careful driver.
Anyways the cop flashed us the radar and it was showing 44 mph to our bewilderment. We didnt argue with him and he gave us the ticket. But instead of giving a ticket for driving 14 mph above limit, he said he has us down for only 5 mph, cos thats cheaper ($113!! wonder whats the fine for 14 mph above the limit!!?)
Anyways, on the rest of the way we were wondering if we should actually pay the fine or contest it at court cos in either case, this was going in to our driving history so we figured we might as well go down fighting.  This is our very first speeding ticket after having a perfect driving record for 4 years since we started driving, may be that could help us a little and get the ticket waived or reduced.
But what bothers me most is not the ticket going in my hubby's driving history or the $113. If we had to get a ticket why not get it for some real speeding like a 90 or a 100 mph. I mean that sounds like real speed. 44mph??!! Really??!!


Oops! you know what... there is a class which you can go and attend, they will teach you all the rules and regulations... :) (of course we know), but this is an alternate to pay the ticket cost... We have heard it from my husband's friends.

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