The mystery of the vanishing weekend!

Come Friday and I am thinking " whew I am so glad its happy Friday today. I have two days to relax."
But no sooner does the weekend begin than its Sunday night all over again!  Wha-?! How? But.........where did the weekend go!!?
Here is how our typical weekend looks like. I make simple plans for Friday. Its either an in-house movie, a quiet drive around the city, or simply staying up late after the kids are asleep. Even so, more often than not, the entire week's stress gets the better of me and I fall asleep early, which means I rise early on Saturday  forgoing the luxury of sleeping late on a holiday. Anyways we enjoy the day as a family and when the sun starts to set on Saturday I make it a point to make up for what I missed. So my husband and I stay up late, watch a movie or a favorite show. By the time we hit the bed its early Sunday morning giving us only 3 to 4 hours of sleep if we are lucky, coz our infant son has recently developed a habit of waking up at night for a snack.
Anyways I find myself up on weekday time on Sunday too coz my daughter is four and she doesn't care that mommy and daddy like to be lazy on Sunday mornings. She wakes up at her usual time and once she is up, every one else has to be up too. By Sunday afternoon a slow realization dawns that tomorrow is Monday and that there are things to be done or else I am doomed. So clothes are laundered, ironed, folded and stored. A rough menu has to be planned for next week's breakfast / lunch and make a quick trip to the store if we are out on groceries, and my daughter has to be fed and dragged- yes dragged- in to bed by 7.00 pm or else even the most powerful army in the world can't help me the next morning!! Before I know it I am tucking myself in to bed and soon.. its Monday again!


Oh My! I cannot agree with you more! We all sail in the same boat. I am glad atleast you spend that saturday night with your hubby. I got into the same routine and I just cannot break even for that one day :(

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