Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn
"Gone girl" is a psychotic thriller, a riveting tale of a marriage gone terribly wrong. The story starts when the husband and the small town that they live in, find out that the wife is missing under suspicious circumstances. Through the investigation that ensues, the inner workings of Nick and Amy's dysfunctional marriage unravels in to a twisted, frightening story of lies, deceit, and mutual manipulation. The characters are brilliant and chillingly identifiable. As a reader it gets you to ponder about your own relationship with your spouse. If your marriage has plateaued, in this terrifying psychotic variant, Nick and Amy entrap themselves in a bitter, ceaseless & toxic relationship. One of my favorite parts is when Nick describes how we as humans are finding it more & more difficult to be original ".... I don't know that we are actually human at this point, those of us who are like most of us, who grew up with TV and movies and now the Internet. ...